
Upright Monuments
Frequently called headstones or tombstones, our upright granite monuments offer endless possibilities for personalized memorials. Upright Headstones are the most common cemetery memorials.
Slant Monuments
A slant memorial has a straight back, a flat bottom and a slanted face. It can have an oval, serpentine or straight top. Slants are generally shorter and wider than typical Upright Headstones and have a slanting front. They usually mark the location of an individual. These markers are made from granite and may be set on a base. Traditional Slants have an oval, serpentine or straight top.

Pillow Markers, or Bevel Markers are often recommended for rural cemeteries or cemeteries where maintenance is scarce, as they are much easier to see and locate.
Grass Markers
Flush Markers or Granite Marker are grave markers that sit flush with the ground. Many urban and perpetual care cemeteries prefer these markers because lawnmowers can pass over it without hitting the stone, making lawn care easier.

While many variations exist, common monuments can be classified into one of four major groupings, Upright Monuments, Slant Monuments, Bevel Markers and Grass Markers.
Monuments can be finished in several styles and textures and in a variety of ways. Like any industry, the monument industry has its own lingo used to describe its products.
Granite is the most commonly used material for memorials, headstones, mausoleums and all types of markers. It is durable, versatile and attractive. It does not stain, corrode or shatter like other materials. Vermont Granite is particularly well known for its outstanding appearance and quality. After years of exposure to heat, rain, snow and ice granite maintains its original beauty.

This section contains some useful information on Inscriptions. Monument Shapes, Monument Finishes as well as color options.
Our Gallery
Customizing your marker can be easily done with the aid of our many design catalogs or photo collections.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us, we are available by phone or e-mail, or drop by the office in person.